Sunday, December 30, 2018

Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes Review

When I was a little kid, my mom never let us have sugary cereal. Usually our breakfasts consisted of hot cereal such as oatmeal or Farina, with a glass of milk, and yogurt for "dessert." However, at least once a month my brother and I slept over at our Nona's house. My aunt and uncle are only 9 and 7 years older than me, so when my brother and I were in preschool they were in middle school, and we considered them the epitome of cool. But other than getting to hang out with them and spend time with our grandparents, we also loved sleeping over because Nona always had the best "special" breakfast cereal on hand. Lucky Charms was my very favorite. I loved everything about it... the brightly colored box, the leprechaun, and the colorful marshmallows. But I loved lots of other sugary cereals as well. The only time my mom broke her healthy breakfast rule was when we'd go on vacation. Then she'd buy packs of those miniature cereal boxes, consisting of cereals like Frosted Flakes, Cocoa Krispies, Apple Jacks, Froot Loops, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. We'd eat them for breakfast, but we'd also eat them straight out of the boxes as snacks.

Anyways, as an adult, I indulge in my favorite cereals whenever I want! That is the good thing about being an adult. Lucky Charms is one of my first choices. I was excited when I saw a new kind of Lucky Charms on the cereal shelf...

It combines two of my favorite cereals into one brand new cereal!

It would have been cooler if they had Tony the Tiger on the box with the leprechaun. But that is neither here nor there,

Of course I bought some. I didn't even wait until breakfast the next day. When you're a grown up, you can eat cereal any time you want!

One of my favorite things about Lucky Charms has always been the smell. Mmmmmmmmm...

Here's what it looks like in the bowl, as colorful as always.
What else can I possibly say about it? Both the Frosted Flakes and the marshmallow Charms tasted just as delicious as I remembered them. I ate two bowls. Of course you know what the best part is... drinking the cereal milk afterwards! In this case it was Rice Dream, but it was still awesome.

Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes, you're my new best friend!

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