Thursday, December 6, 2018

Burger King Veggie Burger Vs Actual Whopper

Before I became a vegetarian, I was a Burger King fiend! I could live on Whoppers! Mmmmmmm, Whoppers... My first round of being a vegetarian was back in 2001. At the time, there just weren't many vegetarian options at mainstream fast food places. I remedied this situation by ordering Whoppers with no meat. Basically, I would order "juicy tomatoes, fresh lettuce, creamy mayonnaise, ketchup, crunchy pickles, and sliced white onions on a soft sesame seed bun," without the burger patty. I cannot tell you how many Burger King employees were baffled by this. I also had to go back a bunch of times because, inexplicably, they'd sometimes just give me the bun with a slice of cheese inside and nothing else. 

(On a side note, I'd also like to mention that I basically invented Subway's Veggie Delight sandwich. Before such a thing existed, I used to go in and order a sandwich with all of the veggies and no meat. The employees were shocked and dismayed. One time the young girl there, assuming I just couldn't afford meat, offered to put meat on it and charge me half price. By the next time I became a vegetarian... this time permanently... the Veggie Delight had appeared on their menu! But I digress...) ;
One day I decided to try the Burger King Veggie Burger. At the time, I was dubious. I did not really like veggie burgers in general. I thought they were rather dry and tasted kind of strange. However, the Burger King Veggie Burger was the first veggie burger that I really enjoyed. Now, when I am craving fast food, I'm usually craving one of these. 

Whoppers are my true love, so I wanted to make a handy-dandy chart for you to show how a Veggie Burger compares with an actual Whopper. As you can see, the only difference is the patty! 

Veggie Burger
Sesame Seed
Sesame Seed
Flame-grilled Beef
Morning Star Farms Garden Veggie Patty
How about we take a look at this veggie burger! Here it is, still in the package. One cool thing about ordering a veggie burger is that, while all of the other products on the menu may very well have been sitting around for a while... at least the patties... not enough people order veggie burgers. So, every time I have ordered one, I have had to wait a few extra minutes while they cooked the patty for me. To me that is a benefit, because I know it is fresh! Fresh out of the freezer, yes, but it hasn't been sitting around waiting.  

Here it is, unwrapped. It looks like it has an extra lot of onions, doesn't it? Look at that greasy bun! It smelled so good. I know, I know, the smells are chemically engineered by food scientists to make it more appealing. But still. 
I opened up the bun to show you what is inside. It looks just like a Whopper, except for the patty, which is lighter colored. 

Next, I ate it. It was as delicious as expected! The veggie burger does give it a different taste, If you are a new vegetarian and you are still craving the taste of beef, you might not like it right away. If that is the case, you might want to try my old method of ordering a Whopper without the meat. Or, you could add extra ketchup and mayonnaise. Or, just eat it. Try it a few times and let it grow on you. Once you've gotten used to the taste of veggie burger patties, they are oddly addicting. 

Here is the complete meal, along with a side of fries and the Dr. Pepper that I had in my house because I always have Dr. Pepper in my house no matter what. 

It should be noted that Burger King Veggie Burgers are not vegan. The bun is not vegan, the mayo is not vegan, and even the Morning Star Farms Garden Veggie Patty is not vegan. If Burger King comes up with an actual vegan burger that is delicious, I will be very excited to try it! 

Also, I have a complaint, Burger King! Every week I get fliers with coupons for Whoppers. I never see a coupon for the veggie burger. When I asked if I could use the Whopper coupon for a veggie burger, they said no, I could not. What kind of BS is that? 

Readers, have you tried a fast food vegetarian (or better yet, vegan) burger that you love? Let me know about it! 

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