Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Little Debbie Oatmeal Creme Pies

Today I want to give a shout-out to one of my all time favorite munchies. Little Debbie Oatmeal Creme Pies are a snack I have loved ever since I was a little kid, when my mom would sometimes pack them in my lunchbox. We also used to have a very similar snack by a company called Astro Mike, but that company seems to have disappeared even from Google searches, except for a brief reference in the 1972 Catalog of Copyright Entries. So for now, Little Debbie holds the monopoly on oatmeal creme pies. Lets take a look!

Here is what the box looks like. If you are ever looking for these in the store, they are usually in the same aisle with the Hostess treats and other packaged baked goods. Sometimes they're in the bread aisle, and sometimes they are at the end of an aisle. This whole package sells for about $1.50, which means I can afford it even when I am broke! That is probably why these have become a staple in my diet.

If you're interested in seeing the ingredients and nutrition information, here it is. I read another review of these where the person gave them only three stars because of the fact that they are not particularly good for you. I just want to point out, these are not meant to be good for you! Do not... I repeat, do not... depend on Little Debbie Oatmeal Creme Pies for your diet and nutritional needs! However, I do notice that they are fairly low in cholesterol and fat. Also they contain 4% of your daily iron needs, so if you are anemic you can just eat 25 of these and you'll be all good. (DISCLAIMER: DON'T DO THAT!)

Here's what one looks like straight out of the box. They are individually wrapped, which makes them a good lunch box snack. However, as I have learned the hard way, if you keep them in your purse or backpack, they are likely to become smashed!

Here it is, out of the wrapper, looking so delicious. Mmmmmmmmmmm!

When I smell it, it smells just like a freshly baked oatmeal cookie. The texture is much softer and more moist  than a typical baked cookie, though. The first bite of just the cookie part tastes like an oatmeal cookie with some molasses added. When I taste some of the creme by itself, I notice that the texture is a little sticky and gooey like marshmallow fluff, but with a more vanilla taste. It is more dense than the cream found in a Twinkie, and thicker and creamier than the cream found in an Oreo.

Taking a bite out of the entire thing is hard to describe. You can taste the oatmeal cookie and the vanilla cream together. There is something so comforting and friendly about this taste. They are not overfilling, which means I can easily eat an entire box of these without getting a stomachache. (ANOTHER DISCLAIMER: ALSO DON'T DO THAT!)

I have seen similar cookies sold at Aldi's (a discount grocery store in Illinois) and at Dollar Tree (those ones are Mrs. Freshley's brand) and I have tried them both. I didn't like them. On both of them, the oatmeal cookie part was too thick and too dry, and the cream was just... wrong. Other people might like them, but to me, they just didn't hold a candle to Little Debbie's.

This is one of my very favorite munchies, so I just had to share it with you. Let me know if you've ever tried these!

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