Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Friendly Farms Eggnog Yogurt Review

A few weeks ago my mom told me that she read that Trader Joe's had eggnog yogurt. Since I was planning to come visit her for the holidays, she promised to buy some eggnog yogurt for me to taste. When I got here, she told me that she had gotten some eggnog. However, she found it at Aldi, not Trader Joe's. For those of you who haven't heard of it Aldi is a discount grocery store owned by same family that owns Trader Joe's. Although the two stores are run independently of each other, many people have noticed that Aldi often has similar products to Trader Joe's. (Aldi stores can be found in California, and many midwest and east coast states.)

I'm still hoping to get my hands on Trader Joe's eggnog yogurt, but for now, I tasted Aldi's Friendly Farms brand.

When I peeled back the foil lid of the container, here is what I saw. It looked a little bit like plain or vanilla yogurt, with a slightly more yellow tinge. I smelled it, and definitely noticed it had an eggnoggy smell.

When I tasted it, the first thing I noticed was the very creamy texture that is typical of Greek yogurt. I also noticed that it didn't have a strong eggnog taste. I had been worried that it would be too sour, like some yogurts are, and that the sourness would not go well with an eggnog flavor... but it was not very sour either. It tasted like vanilla yogurt, with a subtle eggnog overtone. My mom said that it tasted a little bit custardy.

Since we often put nutmeg on our eggnog, my mom had the suggestion to put some nutmeg on the yogurt. It added a nice touch!

We both agreed that it was good yogurt, and kind of fun to have at Christmas time. We would definitely buy it again if we saw it in the store. It isn't something that we'd go crazy missing if we couldn't have it again. But if you happen to live in one of the states with a Trader Joe's, it is worth checking out! 

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