Thursday, December 27, 2018

Little Debbie Star Crunch Review

And now for a review I've been waiting a while to do... the product that started it all!

One day not long ago, my aunt was staying overnight at my apartment. We were hanging out, like people do, when we got the munchies. Unfortunately, I didn't have as many snacks on hand as I usually did. But the day before I had bought a box of Little Debbie Star Crunches at Winco. Winco is a grocery store in a larger town where we sometimes go for groceries when we get tired of shopping at our small town's one store. My aunt had never tried a Star Crunch. I promised her she'd like it. When I'm right, I'm right! She thought it was amazing! We each had one, and we ended up splitting the last one. That is when my aunt told me that I should be a connoisseur of munchies. And since I love blogging and tend to start a blog for every separate aspect of my life, I immediately started brainstorming ideas for Angel In Munchieland!

The reason it took me a while to review Star Crunches is because I had to wait until I went back to Vancouver. This time I found them at Wal-Mart. I didn't notice until I got home that it was a Big Pack, which meant the Star Crunches are larger than the usual ones.

Here is what the box looks like, in case you want to keep your eyes peeled for it.

If you're eating Star Crunches, it should not be for their nutritional value, but I'll show you the ingredients and nutrition information anyways. 

 Here is what a Star Crunch looks like when you take it out of the package. It is basically caramel and crispy rice held together with chocolate... exactly what it looks like!

When you bite into it, it is delightfully vhewy, but also crunchy. Can something be both chewy and crunchy at the same time? Yes, it can! It is like a combination of a candy bar and a cookie. Here's what it looks like when you take a bite out of it. Can you see all of the rice and caramel?

The Big Pack Star Crunches are more filling than the regular ones. I could definitely only finish one of these before I felt full.

These may be the perfect snack for when you have the munchies! I hope I can find them again next time I go into town.

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