Friday, January 4, 2019

I Tried Hot Cocoa M&Ms

I was at Target with my mom, and I had one goal in mind: finding something new to review. That is when I came across these.
As you can see, it didn't take me long to tear the bag open!

Hot Cocoa M&Ms came out for the holidays, and apparently were only available at Target. They may not be there anymore (I found them on sale) but you can still find bags of them on Amazon.

One interesting thing about Hot Cocoa M&Ms is that they do not come in lots of different colors, like most other varieties do. They come in dark brown, light brown, and white.

The other thing that makes these candies unique is that the centers are not chocolate. Instead, they are marshmallow... or some sort of white, marshmallow flavored composite. I carefully bit an M&M in half so I could show you! 

They taste different from regular M&Ms as well. They really do taste a lot like hot cocoa with marshmallows. The chocolate is somehow warmer tasting than regular milk chocolate. 

However, they still melt in your mouth and not in your hand!

Let me know if you try these. I'd love to know what you think of them. I'm looking forward to any new seasonal variations of M&Ms that may show up soon!

1 comment:

  1. Neat! I was a huge fan of the raspberry crunch ones but they were a limited edition. :(
