Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Updated Vegan Egg Salad Experiment

On a recent cold and blustery day, I decided to re-try my vegan egg salad experiment. Last time it was pretty good, but the texture was a little off. I thought I could make some improvements on it to make it closer to regular egg salad. My improvements were mostly in the area of the tofu.

Last time, I used a combination of silken tofu and firm tofu. I thought the silken tofu might imitate the egg whites and the firm tofu would imitate the egg yolks. This time, I decided to stick with firm tofu only. I also dried it first. To dry it, I layered several paper towels together, put the tofu on top of it, and then pressed down on it with several more layered paper towels.

I also crumbled up the tofu more finely, instead of just cutting it into cubes.

I also did not use any celery this time, pretty much because I just didn't have any. I ate it all a few days ago with some peanut butter!

I added the vegan mayo slowly, stirring it after each spoonful, to make sure I'd get a texture I liked. Then I added my secret ingredient, yellow mustard.

That is really all there is to it! Making vegan egg salad is actually a lot quicker than regular egg salad, because you don't have to boil the eggs, wait for them to cool, peel them, and chop them up.

Here is what the egg salad looked like inside of the sandwich.

You have to admit that looks appetizing!

And here it is as part of this semi-complete lunch.

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