Sunday, December 9, 2018

Tostitos Hint of Lime Review

You know when you get in those moods when you need something salty and crunchy? Pirate's Booty has been my go-to snack for those moods, for many years now. But recently I decided to try something new... Tostitos Hint of Lime. And, lets just say that ever since then I've eaten about fifty million of them.

Here is what the bag looks like. Notice that it is already wrinkled up, because I had eaten about half the bag over the past few days, before realizing that I should review them here.

Now we can observe the ingredients and nutritional information. I notice that, for the most part, there is not really anything terribly chemically in here. I had to look up maltodextrin (a flavor carrier made from starch) and dextrose (pretty similar to corn syrup) but I knew what the rest of the ingredients were. It has a lot of calories, but not a lot of fat... although I also noticed that their suggested serving size is 6 chips.

6 chips. 

Uh... moving on...

Here is a chip outside of the bag. It looks pretty much like all tortilla chips ever.
When I take a bite, I notice the limeyness right away. Then I notice the saltiness. Then I notice the taste of the chip, which is kind of sweet and corny like the usual tortilla chip. Limey, salty, corny, and crunchy. That's how I would describe these chips.

I do like lime. It is interesting how lime can be added to the flavor of unusual things, and you wouldn't think, "Gross! Lime, what are you doing in there?" Well, you might think it. But if you tried it anyways, you'd probably like it. For instance, remember Lime Coke? When I first heard of it, I thought it would be horrible. But then I tried a different lime flavored cola... it was some sort of local brand in Key West... and it was so good, so I started drinking Lime Coke. And I loved it. They also had Lemon Pepsi, which I did not like, because the smell kept reminding me of Lemon Pinesol. Whatever happened to Lime Coke, anyways? Ah, I digress...

If you can't find Tostitos Hint of Lime at the grocery store, don't forget to check the store brand kind. Winco, one of our grocery stores out here, had "Tortilla Chips With a Hint of Lime" that were just as delicious!

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