Friday, December 7, 2018

Angel Makes Spaghetti Squash

Today I'd like to unveil my very first "cooking show" video, in which I make spaghetti squash! I have made it twice before and I really enjoyed it. I even brought it over to my aunt's house for Thanksgiving dinner this year. You may notice that I cook a little haphazardly. That is how I do just about everything in life!

Here is the video.

It turned out delicious! Some people say it tastes like spaghetti, which is not really true. Maybe if you put regular spaghetti sauce on it or something. The texture is not very similar to spaghetti noodles at all, but it is very pleasant. It is crunchy and fresh tasting, not mushy and stringy like acorn squash. Acorn squash kind of makes me gag.

This recipe is customizable because you can throw in any veggies and seasonings you want. It is vegan the way I made it, but if you are not vegan you could also add cheese!

It is very simple to make. The hardest part of the whole thing is cutting the squash in half.

If you have made spaghetti squash before, let me know if you did anything differently, and how it turned out!

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